Considering renovating or building a new home?
Building a double storey house in Perth (when you have the budget) is an excellent idea.
With a double storey house, you are able to include more features which allow you to have more room on less land. You can add features such as:
· An open plan living space
· An entertainment area
· Separate lounge for the children
· An extra bedroom
Things to Consider
Every homeowner wants a home that will be a delight to live in. You must, therefore, be very particular about the design as well as the features you would like your home to have.
Other issues that you must take into consideration include the following:
Restrictions and Approvals
It is pertinent that you find out what the Council approves as well as what is restricted. There are areas that may have height restrictions that would have you redesigning your double-storey home. You should ensure that you have checked with the local council before you buy land to avoid disappointments and major alterations to your dream design.
In addition, you will be required to submit applications for building as well as design approvals. It is important to find a professional builder in Perth that will offer guidance throughout the process.
Size and Shape of the Land
Your home should fit your block of land perfectly. Building experts advise that it is better to first choose the double-storey home design that appeals to you before buying your block of land. With the design in hand, you will be able to pick a block of land that will be a good fit.
Most homes are best suited for a flat rectangular block of land. If this kind of land fails to suit your preferred design, your builder should be in a position to advise you on your next course of action.
Also consider how your home will fit next to your neighbours. You do not want to have shadows thrown on your home and neither should you do the same to their homes.
Home Orientation and Sun
Homes that face north get sun all day long which keeps them warm during the cold months. Unfortunately, you cannot have every room facing north. You must, therefore, decide which rooms must face north and why.
The rooms where the family spends the most time would be the most important in the house. These are usually the kitchen, dining room and the living areas. You can also have the master room upstairs and have it face north too.
Lifestyle and Family
Your home must fit in with your lifestyle as well as your family situation. A double-storey home comes with the advantage of having more space to work with. You can include all the features you feel are necessary for your family.
Factor in the layout of your home as well as luxury features that will enrich your life and make living in your new home exciting.
Fitting and Finishing Expenses
A budget is of utmost importance, especially where fittings and the finishing are concerned. You should discuss these with your builder long before construction begins. You do not want to be struggling when your dream home is just about done.
A double storey house is the way to go especially if you do not have a huge parcel of land to work with. It will give your family the space it needs and allow you to include luxurious rooms you would not have in a one-storey home built on the same land.